Jessica Jones

Oct 12, 2019

Learn to become a modern Frontend Developer in 2019

Web Development is an ever-changing field — the way we build websites today is completely different from how we used to do it a couple of years ago. With the plethora of tools available and the new ones popping up every day, most of the time developers find themselves confused about which way to go.

I am the author and maintainer of “Developer Roadmap” which lists down the roadmap, the tools, and technologies that you would want to learn to get into the frontend, backend or the operations. I initially created these roadmaps in 2017, then updated in 2018 and most recently revised in 2019. At the time of this writing, frontend developer roadmap has been updated for the current year. I am still working upon the Backend and Operations/DevOps roadmaps and will hopefully release it in the next few days.

In this post, I am going to recap a bit and share with you the motivation behind making these roadmaps, a few disclaimers if you decide to follow these roadmaps and finally have a breakdown and tips on how to learn if you were to become a modern frontend developer in 2019

Jean Marie

Oct 2, 2019