Bruce Wayne

Oct 1, 2019

Learn to become a Backend Developer

Web development today is completely different from what it was a few years ago; there are lots of different things that can easily baffle anyone entering into the web development. It was one of the reasons that we decided to make these step by step visual guides demonstrating the bigger picture and to give anyone a clear idea about what they have to follow to be in certain roles in web development... continue reading

Jessica Jones

Sept 28, 2019

Achieving success is simpler than you think

Success is simpler than you think !!!

By some metrics, success isn’t very common. After all, the odds of building a billion-dollar company are 1.7 million to one. Part of the popularity of “success hack” posts likely reflects the elusive nature of success. Motivation, I’m sure, also plays a role; we all want to achieve our goals and live meaningful lives. But our affinity for this type of content reveals something more telling: many of us are looking for a shortcut — our own silver bullet to help beat the odds. Ultimately, we all want our dreams to come true, but few of us are willing to pay the price it takes to get there. continue reading

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