James Madsen

Sept 30, 2019

By some metrics, this wasn,t a success. Try other articles to write or you yourself building a billion-dollar company

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James Gray

Sept 29, 2019

Just saying i have just read the most boring article. No pan intended but just speaking my mind out.

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Micheal Douglas

Sept 28, 2019

Ant man was the most boring movie i have ever seen. why the hell is marvel still producing it.

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Brain Howard

Sept 27, 2019

Just downloaded the most bugged tutorial i dont know what that youtube guy was thinking. Because am even better.

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Jessica Winks

Sept 25, 2019

Politics in Britain just got worse to dead. Members of the parliament cant decide what is right for the country or wrong.

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Jessica Jones

Sept 24, 2019

Anyone saying that trump should be impeached just go burry yourself. He is making America great again so shut the hell up.

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